Thoughts on emissions categories for real estate companies

Hi everyone

Which categories should emissions related to the construction and operation of a building or warehouse fall under for a real estate company that leases properties? Here’s my perspective:

3.1 Goods and Services
Goods and services for building management operations, including maintenance supplies or services, security, IT, software, etc.

3.2 Capital Goods

  • Purchased construction materials
  • Services provided by contractors for the construction

3.4 Upstream Transport

  • Transportation of construction materials
  • Transportation of contractors to the construction site

3.5 Waste
All waste generated during the construction process

3.12 End of Life for Sold Products

  • Emissions resulting from the demolition, recycling, or redevelopment of the building

3.13 Downstream Leased Assets

  • Fuel consumption for heating and electricity usage

What do you all think? I’d love to hear your opinions on this!

Kind regards

Hi Jelte,

That is also my understanding. And in year 1 all but 3.13 (if it is not yet commissioned) and from then onwards only 3.13.

All the best,

Hi Steven

Thanks for the confirmation!
