Divide emissions

Can I divide emissions from central functions and allocate them proportionally to certain parts of the organization?

Hi Viktor,

Can you specify your use case? At the moment we don’t allow for splitting the emissions of one inventory line to multiple organizational units. We are working on a logic for the product carbon footprint (H1 2025 to be live).

Best regards,

The group company has certain central functions, such as procurement, finance, and IT, that serve all the subsidiaries. Should we calculate the total emissions for these central functions and then manually allocate emissions to the subsidiaries to determine emissions per organizational unit?

Hi Viktor, I’m not yet sure for which end goal you want to allocate these emissions to the subsidiaries. Can you specify?

Every organizational unit (subsidiare) would like to get the complete picture of their own GHG emissions separately (including their part of the central functions).
f it’s not possible, they can divide the total emissions from these activities manually.

Hi Viktor,

For that case, you could also use the intercompany trade function (if you are okay that at the company level the central emissions are accounted at the highest org. unit). Feel free to set up a call with me via support@carbonaltdelete.eu. Then I can show you.

Kind regards,