On biogenic emissions

This post is a summary of the Q&A on a Carbon+Alt+Delete webinar.

Q: Would you say sequestred emissions from bio-based products should not be included as a GHG reduction since they will be emitted anyway at EOL?

A: We are awaiting the final guidance from the FLAG update on this point, also depending on the expected life time of the product.

Q: Regarding data from EPDs of generated electricity: Where are the upstream, core, downstream emissions allocated to (scope 2 vs 3.3)? Also: The fossil emissions are of course reported, but what about the biogenic emissions? Since GRI now ask for biogenic emissions also from scope 3 categories, do you include biogenic emissions from electricity “upstream” and “downstream” emissions in the total scope 3 biogenic emissions even though the origin of these emissions is scope 2 (where biogenic emissions is not a reporting requirement).

A: Upstream emission from electricity generation are reported under scope 3 activity 3 for “generation” and “transmission and distribution”. Biogenic emissions should be reported out of scope, but linked to their corresponding activity in scope 2-3. So biogenic emissions linked to upstream electricity, should be reported out of scope but referring to scope 3 act 3.

Q: regarding biogenic emissions: the sbti asks for including of bioenergy emissions from combustion, other then the GHGP. Can we work towards the SBTi with a netting of biogenic emissions and biogenic removals? Or do we have to include biogenic emissions completely in scope 1 for the SBTi, destroying the advantage of biofuels?

A: To our knowledge the SBTi is in line w/ the GHG Protocol. See R4 on this link.


Thanks for this post. I had the same question from one of our customers, working in the waste management industry. He wants to reduce its scope 1 emissions of fuel consumption, using HVO. They are SBTI and when I read the statement of SBTI, it can be seen that it is not allowed to account a reduction in scope 1 when using HVO. It is to account in scope 3.

Anyone has experience on the Carbon Footprint reduction (scope 1 & 3) to account when 1 liter of diesel is replaced by 1 liter of HVO? It seems that the reduction is not in the combustion, yet more in the origine of fuel.


Hi Sven,

Thanks for sharing your case. Looking at C10 of the near-term criteria of the SBTi, I think that changing fossil fuel to biofuel will not help you in reaching your target (also not for scope 3).

Happy to hear the opinion/use cases of your peers.

Kind regards,
